14 August 2023

Update - Fundraising

- Here are some of the details for an upcoming fundraising effort.

  • Date. Planned to start on September to commemorate *redacted* day.
  • What's Happening. Selling of cables - ALL proceeds goes to *redacted* (charity org) with a donation match by *redacted*.
  • Method. Multiple ready-stock cables made specifically for this fundraising, to be sold, price to-be-confirmed.
  • Plan - tentative Interested buyers will have to fill up a google form for eventual raffle. Raffle "winners" will be contacted at the end of 2 weeks after announcement and have 24 hours to respond and make payment, else there would be a re-raffle of that cable Final proof of donation will be posted, either here or in Instagram
  • Conclusion of event. Aim to have the whole event end by 30 September. Final proof of donation will be posted, either here or in Instagram

30 May 2023

A New Beginning

- Today marks the introduction of the revamped website.

Am extremely excited to present a newly added ghetto cable configurator. I hope it helps to give a rough idea on how the cable will look like. It is definitely NOT "render" quality.

- On a side note, here are some of the things that I am working on

  • Charity Stream. Will be providing some cables for a Twitch Streamer's Charity Stream some time at the end of the year.
  • Own Fundraising. Am currently in contact with multiple Charity Orgs in Singapore to work out the details of holding a small fundraising (by sale of cables) "event" for them.
  • Reopening of Commissions. With most of the backlog cleared, commissions should be opening soon, do keep a lookout as it would most likely be posted on Instagram first.

Disclaimer: I would really love for all these to materialise, but sometimes life happens and plans get pushed back a little. But nevertheless, I will do my best to keep this going as long as possible.

Remembering the reason for starting

It all began with the need to gift something that not only embodies my appreciation for some peoples' help. But at the same time I didn't want to get something off the shelf.
Fast forward, here, it has been a common practice to request for the cost of workmanship to be donated to a charity organisation of the clients' choice*. And I have plans to re-start the practice every once in awhile.

*Proof of donation required

Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.

Planned to be given out/sold for charitable purposes.
Lisa Works
Copyright © 2023 LisaWorks